Easy Chat & Text

Spice up your conversations with over 4000 emojis, gifs, and memes!

Take a look at our big set of features

Combining Multiple Inboxes

Take control of your digital conversations with our Easy Chat & Text app and enjoy the convenience of managing all your messages in one place. Our Easy Chat & Text aggregates messages from popular apps and email services like WhatsApp, Messenger, Slack, Gmail, Outlook, and Yahoo Mail.

Combining Multiple Inboxes

We offer a unique and customizable chat experience that allows you to personalize your interface to match your preferences. Choose from a variety of themes, color schemes, and backgrounds to make your chats visually appealing and distinctive.

Customize Your Chat

Customize Your Chat

Smart Reply adapts to your messaging style, learning from your preferences over time and offering increasingly accurate and personalized suggestions. Whether it's a simple expression of gratitude or a more complex response, our app's Smart Reply feature effortlessly enhances your conversations, streamlining the messaging experience for convenience and intuitive communication.

Smart Reply

Smart Reply

Elevate your chatting experience with our Easy Chat & Text app's exciting and interactive chat feature. Engage in dynamic chats enriched with multimedia elements that bring life to your conversations. Send and receive vibrant stickers, expressive emojis, and captivating GIFs.

Protection Against Spam SMS

Spam Protection

We offer a vast collection of thousands of emojis, allowing you to express yourself in countless ways and add fun to your conversations. With our app, you'll always find the perfect emoji to convey your feelings, enhancing your messaging experience and bringing your words to life.

Exciting Chat

Exciting Chat

Say goodbye to the annoyance of unwanted spam messages that clutter your inbox. Our app actively filters and blocks spam SMS, ensuring that only important and legitimate messages grab your attention. Through advanced algorithms and machine learning, our app continuously enhances its spam detection capabilities to stay ahead of evolving spamming techniques.

Thousands Of Emojis

Thousands Og Emojis

What our happy users say

  • “Love using it! This app made my life easier!” - Peter

  • “This app has really big emoji library that helps to make my conversations more fun! Recommend!” - Amanda

  • “Combined inbox - one love! Now I never miss important messages!” - Kate